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Best Tips to Get You Through End of Tenancy Cleaning
24Oct 2014
Moving is an awful experience and an exciting one at the same time. Regardless of the reason for which you are moving, you will want to leave everything behind in perfect state – so that your current landlord has no reason to object. And yet, between packing, unpacking and finding a new place to live in, house cleaning may feel like the very last of all your priorities. As awful as it may feel though, it is something you just have to do (and even more so if you don’t want to be charged with any kind of “extra”). We have gathered some of the best tips to get you through the end of tenancy cleaning. We know just how stressful moving out can be, but we also know very well that cleaning is something you have to do. Why not make it easier on you though? Read on and find out more about how to make moving out cleaning a less awful “affair”. 1.    If you want to move out in peace and if you don’t want any “charges” from your landlord, be wise from the very moment you move in. No, we will not tell you to do your cleaning regularly (although that would probably cut the amount of work you have to put into the moving out cleaning by half). We will tell you to take pictures. Take pictures of every corner of the house and print them out with the date on them. Mail them to your landlord and keep their copies as well. If something comes up in the end, you can always show the pictures. 2.    Pay attention to certain sensitive areas of the bathroom and kitchen especially. Unfortunately, simply mopping around and dusting off the refrigerator is not enough to maintain a proper level of cleanliness. This means that you probably have to be very careful about areas such as that surrounding the actual toilet and that which is found behind the oven. Reach out to those places too when you do the cleaning and make sure they are sparkly clean because they are among the first places your landlord will check out. 3.    Clean the oven. Now, your landlord may not take a magnifying glass and a flashlight to analyse every inch of hardened grease in your oven. But this is more of a “common sense” thing you should definitely take into consideration. Just think of it this way: you wouldn’t have liked to come into a newly rented home and have to clean someone else’s oven, right? 4.    Curtains and blinds. These household items are as close to light as possible, which means that it is very likely that any trace of dirt on them will be quite noticeable. Clean every blind carefully using a soft cloth and take down the curtains and wash them in the machine before your landlord comes. 5.    Plan everything ahead. Sure, you may be busy finding a new place and thinking of ingenious ways to pack everything as fast and as safely as possible. But planning your end of tenancy cleaning ahead will definitely help you when the time comes to actually move out. 6.    To avoid having to clean twice, make sure you program the cleaning itself as close to the inventory as you can. You wouldn’t want to spend too much time on running this kind of tasks twice, would you? 7.    Check your contract. Some of the landlords will request their tenants to call for professional cleaning services at the end of their tenancy – and this may be your case too. While you may be spending some money on these people’s fee, it will all be worth it as you will not have to worry about the cleaning tasks any longer.

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