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Top Tips For Steam Cleaning Carpets
14Mar 2014

Steam cleaning carpets has it benefits, unlike other methods it requires no detergent (eco-friendly cleaning!), its uses less moisture, the drying time is much faster and its time saving too.

Lots of people have already invested in a steam cleaner after realising how remarkably effective they are and not only that, they are multi-purpose cleaners which are extremely effective at cleaning many different areas around the home, such as flooring, tiles, walls, fabrics, bathrooms and kitchens and by doing so you can save heaps of money as you do not have to buy cleaning detergents for all of those jobs.

Steam cleaning is a relatively new and modern way of cleaning homes, not everybody is a fan of this method however it does have various benefits. Health wise it can be god send and it’s also eco-friendly and naturally brilliant.
Here are out top tips and benefits for using a steam cleaner at home;

Banish bacteria, lime scale and nasty smells; yes that is correct! By the use of hot water vapour you can eliminate all of those problems in a minute; it’s really simple and easy to clean with a steam cleaner more so than it would be too scrub away at those areas.

Health benefits; does anybody in your household suffer from asthma or allergies? Steam cleaning adds moisture to dry air and eliminates dust. Dry air and dust often aggravates these conditions and the people in your house, that suffer these conditions, should notice a difference when steam cleaning is used.

Steam cleaners add moisture to dry air; asthma sufferers may notice a difference with a more humid atmosphere rather than one that is a little dry. Dry air and dust and any allergies that may be present is often a trigger for asthmas sufferers, and the steam cleaning method can help to reduce or even eliminate this.

Banish harmful chemicals for good; your investment means that you no longer have to buy harmful chemicals to clean at home, the steamer is effective at cleaning anything from sinks to ovens, all which generally require the use of harmful chemicals to remove bacteria and stubborn grime.

Jump on the eco-friendly band wagon; Congratulations you have made the first step to living a greener cleaner lifestyle. Enjoy the benefits that this method brings. What is also great is that a remarkable difference to your finances will be evident in the long run.

Not sure how to use one?

Well, instructions do come with these products and you can find plenty of tips online but if you would like to see it in action, why not hire professional steam cleaners as a one-off and you will be able to see how the professionals do it and learn the tricks of the trade. This is also great for making up your mind, especially if you are unsure about investing in one right now.

Carpets and rugs; always start at the furthest point of the room and work your way across the whole room in straight lines until you reach the door and you can exit the room and allow it to dry without stepping onto your hard work. If an area is particularly badly stained, it may require a few attempts to help shift so, so just go over that area as many times as you wish and until you have a satisfactory result.

Once the job is complete allow about 2 hours of drying time before you use the room again and make sure that open all windows and doors to allow ventilation which helps to speed up the drying process.

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